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This game needs flash player 10 or newer

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"; } document.title = "devm-games : " + game; //document.getElementById('shareDiv').innerHTML = "" document.getElementById('shareDiv').innerHTML = ""; //ajaxRequest("share.htm", "shareDiv"); // loadComments(game); try{ pageTracker._trackPageview("/ajax/games/"+game ); }catch(e){ } } // gameShortName function loadComments(game, page, showForm){ if(page == undefined) page = 0; if(showForm == undefined) showForm = true; ajaxRequest("comments.php?game="+game+"&page="+page+"&showform="+showForm, "commentsDiv"); } function postComment(game){ if(document.getElementById("formName").value == "" || document.getElementById("formComment").value == "") return; var poststr = "name=" + encodeURI( document.getElementById("formName").value ) + "&comment=" + encodeURI( document.getElementById("formComment").value ) + "&check=" + encodeURI( document.getElementById("formCheck").value ); // alert(poststr); ajaxRequest("comments.php?game="+game+"&post=true", "commentsDiv", poststr); } function callback(serverData, serverStatus, id) { if(serverStatus == 200){ var div = document.getElementById(id); div.innerHTML = serverData; var x = div.getElementsByTagName("script"); for(var i=0;i